The I-375 Reconnecting Communities Project will guide a transformational project that proposes to reconnect the city of Detroit from the physical and emotional division created decades ago in the name of “urban renewal”. This project is led by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) in partnership with the City of Detroit. Beginning the framework process is the culmination of five years of planning, engagement, and conceptualization for raising the freeway to road grade and turning it into a boulevard. The framework effort will take us to an expected boulevard construction start in 2025 and finish in 2027.
The proposed improvements will include a proposed new I-75 freeway ramp with access to Brush Park and Eastern Market. We also have representation on the current Neighborhood Advisory Council to advocate for our needs and concerns in the neighborhood as a result.
Engagement Opportunities
As MDOT moves into the next phases of the project, there will be many more opportunities for community input and participation. MDOT is planning several public meetings throughout the design and building of the project, including discussions on:
Historical acknowledgments of impacts caused by the original building of the I-375 freeway and honoring the past.
Development and implementation of a land use framework plan and a corridor aesthetics plan to identify land use of the excess property and the look and feel of the new boulevard.
Development and implementation of a community enhancements plan to use the value of the excess property to help the community.
Maintenance of traffic plans for construction.
If you are a Brush Park resident and have questions, concerns, or feedback, please email:
Learn More at :
Brush Park residents have been invited to attend the MDOT I-375 reconnecting communities project public Open House
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is hosting a public open house to discuss the I-375 reconnecting communities project in Detroit.
The open house format will provide updates on project elements such as early planning efforts and design of the corridor. If unable to attend, the presentation and meeting materials will be posted online after April 19 on the I-375 project page.
Interested residents and commuters
Community leaders
MDOT staff and consultants
Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 4 – 7 p.m.
Pre-Recorded presentations will be shown throughout the duration of the meeting with stations on various project elements set up allowing the public to engage with the project team.
Eastern Market, Shed #3
1445 Adelaide St.
Detroit, MI 48207