Latest Updates:
[As of 2.20.24] Virtual Public Meeting hosted by Department of Neighborhoods and Municipal Parking Department Director to review proposed Northern Brush Park Zone Residential Permit Parking Plan with commercial stakeholders, and discuss opposition. Impacted North Brush Park residents awaiting updates regarding next steps from the Municipal Parking Department as the proposed plan has yet to be approved by Neighborhoods Standing Sub-Committee or City Council. (Meeting not recorded.)
[As of 2.9.24] Brush Park Residents received notice of Public Outreach Meeting from Department of Neighborhoods/District Manager for Northern Brush Park Zone Residential Parking Plan scheduled for February 20, 2024 @ 5:30pm.
[As of 1.25.24] Northern Brush Park Residential Zone Public Hearing / Municipal Parking Department presented Northern Brush Park Zone Residential Permit Parking Plan - City Council Sub-Committee voted to delay vote for 1 month pending additional public outreach.
Video: City Council Neighborhoods & Services Committee Public Hearing (January 25, 2024)
[As of 1.18.24] Residents receive notice from the Municipal Parking Department that hearing for Northern Brush Park Zone is Rescheduled for January 25, 2024 (Meeting Rescheduled)
[As of 1.17.24] Residents receive notice regarding the Northern Brush Residential Parking Zone proposal.
[As of 1.1.24] Residents of Southern Brush Park allowed to register for a parking app and designated residential street parking signage installed. Central Zone awaiting signage.
[As of 12.19.23] City of Detroit Municipal Parking Department releases official Residential Parking Plans for Southern and Central Brush Park, scheduled to begin January 2, 2023.
*The remaining Northern Brush Park Zone is scheduled to be presented to the City Council Neighborhood & Services Committee in January 2024.*
City of Detroit’s Municipal Parking Plan Announcement
Resident Permit Parking Registration HERE.
[As of 11.16.23] Northern Brush Park Zone scheduled to be presented to City Council Neighborhood & Services Committee Public Hearing. Presentation postponed due to absent members and no quorum. (Meeting Rescheduled)
Proposed Northern Brush Park Zone Residential Parking Plan
City Council Neighborhoods & Services Committee Public Hearing Agenda (November 16, 2023)
Video: City Council Neighborhoods & Services Committee Public Hearing (November 16, 2023)
[As of 11.15.23] Brush Park CDC received a copy of the proposed Northern Brush Park Zone Residential Parking Plan and meeting notice for City Council Neighborhoods & Community Services Standing Committee Public Hearing from the Municipal Parking Department, to be held on November 16. 2023 at 1:30pm. (Meeting Rescheduled)
Proposed Northern Brush Park Zone Residential Parking Plan
[As of 11.10.23] City Council Neighborhoods & Community Services Standing Committee Public Hearing was held to review Central Brush Park Zone that was proposed at November 2, 2023 meeting and proposed plan review for North Brush Park Zone. Incorrect information was posted on the meeting agenda regarding the proposed Central and North Zone plans. City Council voted to adjourn until the next meeting, November 16, 2023.
City Council Neighborhoods & Services Committee Public Hearing Agenda (November 9, 2023)
Video: City Council Neighborhoods & Services Committee Public Hearing (November 9, 2023)
[As of 11.1.23] Brush Park CDC received Proposed Central Brush Park Residential Parking Plan and a Notice for Central Brush Park Residential Zone Public Hearing on November 2, 2023 at 1p.m.
Detroit City Council Neighborhood & Community Services Committee Agenda (November 2, 2023)
Central Brush Park Residential Zone Public Hearing Video (coming soon. . .)
[As of 10.24.23] The Detroit City Council held a public hearing to review the proposed plans for the South Brush Park Zone (only) and was approved. Central and North Brush Park Zones will tentatively be reviewed at later public hearing. (Date TBD).
Detroit City Council Public Hearing Meeting Agenda (October 24, 2023)
[As of 1.12.23] The City of Detroit’s Municipal Parking Department presented the Brush Park Residential Zone Plan Review Proposals Available. The 3 proposed plan for residential parking are proposed to residents and property owners located in the southern, northern, and central portions of our neighborhood.
MPD will finalize its residential zone plans and schedule a public hearing with City Council to gain approval for the proposed residential zone(s). (City Council meeting dates TBD)
Brush Park Residential Parking Plan Review Presentations:
[As of 1.5.23] The City of Detroit' s Municipal Parking Department hosted a series of zoom community engagement meetings on January 10, 11, and 12, 2023, from 5:30 pm until 6:30 pm for residents of Brush Park.
The purpose was to share the 3 proposed plan for residential parking with residents located in the southern, northern, and central portions of our neighborhood. Upon the conclusion of this community engagement meeting, MPD will finalize its residential zone plans and schedule a public hearing with City Council to gain approval for the proposed residential zone(s).
The Southern Brush Park Meeting is scheduled for 1/10/23 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
The Central Brush Park meeting is scheduled for 1/11/23 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
The Northern Brush Park meeting is scheduled for 1/12/23 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
** Click Here for Specific Boundaries and Meeting Information.
Brush Park Residential Parking Initiative Updates
Brush Park Residential Parking Petition (Submitted September 2022)
Current City of Detroit Residential Permit Parking Policy
Municipal Parking Department Residential Parking Meeting Notice
[As of 10.14.22] The CDC gathered nearly 120 signatures. The petition was submitted to the City Clerk's office on September 23 and assigned Petition Number 2022-305. The Clerk forwarded the petition to DPW that same day. The ordinance requires the Director of DPW to complete its preliminary analysis within 10 days.
The Clerk has not yet received a response from DPW. It is well past the 10-day period and DPW is now in violation of the ordinance. The CDC has spoken with Council President Sheffield's office, as well as staff from Council Member Santiago-Romero's office. We have also spoke with the group executive over HRD and PDD in the Mayor's office.
Council President will be submitting a memo to Council Tuesday requesting that the Brush Park parking petition be referred to the Public Health and Safety Standing committee on Thursday, October 21 at 1pm
To attend by phone only, call one of these numbers: +1-929436-2866, +1-312-626-6799, +1-669-906-6833, +-253-215-8782, +1-301-715-8592, or +1-346-248-7799, Enter Meeting ID: 85846903626##
To attend online: Online-CC-Meeting
Over the last couple of years, the City of Detroit City has been working with the community to revise the residential permit parking program for Detroit. Given the unique situation and needs of Brush Park, the Brush Park Community Development Corporation (“CDC”) is now working closely with the City Planning Commission (“CPC”) to develop a parking plan that best suits our needs.
The CDC met with CPC on Monday, February 5, 2018 to kick off this Project. The action item for CDC was to provide CPC with our recommendations for parking.
On February 16 The CDC circulated a community wide parking survey to get input from residents, property owners, business owners and customers in Brush Park. The survey closed on March 2. The survey received 175 responses during this period. A summary of the results were presented to the community on March 13, 2018.
The CDC sought additional input from the community on the CDC's preliminary recommendations. The community wide survey opened on March 18, 2018 and closed on April 23, 2018.
The survey received 134 responses, with 77% of respondents supporting the CDC's recommendations. The CDC has submitted a preliminary response to major objections to the recommendations, as indicated in the survey responses.
The CDC is continuing to work with CPC and City Council representatives to ensure that our neighborhood's unique needs are considered in adopting any city-wide ordinance.
CPC and City Council hosted a community meeting to discuss the permit parking ordinance on October 2, 2018 at 5:30pm at the MSU center (Erskine/Woodward)
CPC has collected and responded to community input on the draft ordinance (see materials listed below). This matter was heard before the Public Health and Safety Standing Committee for consideration for the setting of a public hearing on January 28, 2019 @ 10am (Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226).
On March 12, 2019 the revised permit parking ordinance was passed by City Council! The ordinance will be legally binding once signed by the Mayor. The program is expected to go into effect on July 1, 2019 and the CDC will be working closes with City officials to implement our residential permit parking plan outlined below as soon as practical.
On May 19, 2020, the CDC submitted a formal request to the Municipal Parking Department to initiate a City-sponsored residential permit parking plan based on our community’s support of the CDC parking plan. Thank you for participating in these efforts! We look forward to these changes!
On August 16, 2022, due to lack of progress on the City-sponsored plan, the CDC announced a new plan to move forward with a community-initatied residential parking permit plan. See below for the updated plan. Additional details will be announced at our September 13, 2022 meeting.
Permit Parking Ordinance Materials
Draft Ordinance (August 7, 2018)
Permit Parking Presentation (circulated September 2018)
Proposed Ordinance (December 2018)
Working Group Response to Community Input (January 2019)
Final Ordinance as approved by City Council (March 2019)
Municipal Parking Department Brush Park Residential Community Engagement Meetings Notice (January 4, 2023)
Detroit City Council Neighborhoods & Community Committee Meeting (November 17, 2022)
(Updated September 2022)
Plan Description (September 2022) - the Brush Park CDC is collecting signatures to approve this plan and move it through the parking ordinance process.
URGENT: We need additional signatures from the community to support petitions. Members of the Brush Park CDC will be at the Bodega (2671 Brush St, Detroit, MI 48201 - at John R. & Alfred) on Thursday, September 15, 2022 from 5-7pm to gather signatures.
(Updated August 2022)
Plan Description (August 2022) - the Brush Park CDC is collecting signatures to approve this plan and move it through the parking ordinance process.
[HISTORICAL] Recommendations (As of 5.21.19)
Click HERE to download our recommendations from March 2018. Based upon community concerns (summarized below) and subsequent changes to the ordinance in response to these concerns, the CDC maintains its initial recommendation on where residential permit parking zones should be implemented.
General Recommendation AS OF 3.7.18
We recommend that permit parking and paid parking zones be implemented as shown on the map.
Permit Parking Policy and Procedures:
We recommend that every addressed residence be permitted to participate in the program such that each separately rentable unit in an apartment or home is permitted to acquire a permit.
To obtain a permit, we recommend that residents must:
Own or lease a car registered to a Brush Park address and use a Brush Park address on their license.
Show proof of residency with a signed/valid lease or deed to property
Show proof of occupancy with a valid utility bill (e.g. DTE bill)
We recommend that permits be tied to license plates so that permits may not be sold and for ease of ticketing (can tie into the existing system for paid parking zones).
Permits will be issued or renewed annually. We recommend that only one permit may be issued per license and that the number of permits per addressed residence be limited to two (2).
We recommend that permit holders also be required to display a permit sticker in their windshield to facilitate residential self-policing.
For the initial year, we recommend that permits be available for free or at a nominal cost to residents as a pilot program. We believe that the disrespect for parking rules in our neighborhood is so egregious that ticketing proceeds from offenders will easily pay for the permit program and the additional enforcement required. Further, the current lack of enforcement has residents very concerned that they will pay for parking permits and still have no parking due to lack of enforcement.
Parking Enforcement Recommendations
Our understanding of the current rules are that vehicles must be ticketed by police in order to be towed.
We recommend additional resources be deployed to enforce the existing parking rules in Brush Park, as well as the permit parking program. We recommend that at least two (2) vehicles from the Detroit parking department monitor parking permit meter violations and at least two (2) police offers monitor other illegal parking violations and ticket parking permit violations.
We recommend that the City implore the operators of Ford Field, Comerica Park and Little Caesar’s Arena to provide affordable parking to their employees. Such parking can be facilitated with off-site parking and shuttles to LCA or passes for the Q-Line.
We recommend that the City enforce the existing rules to stop bus idling on the 1-75 Service Drive and within our neighborhood.
Response to Community Concerns on CDC Recommendations (Updated as of 6.20.18)
While the overwhelming majority of the Brush Park Community that responded to our survey on our parking recommendations supported the recommendations, several neighbors raised questions and concerns about certain recommendations. The concerns were generally grouped into several themes and the CDC submits this preliminary response to such concerns:
There is not enough space in Brush Park to implement a permit parking program and parking will become more difficult. To clarify, permit parking does not provide an assigned on-street parking space for residents. Rather, it provides dedicated parking zones where only residents with permits can park. Parking will still be on a first come, first serve basis, but the pool of people able to park in the zone will be smaller. Parking for residents will become easier because there will be fewer people able to park in the permit parking zones.
Brush Park is a residential neighborhood and there should be no paid parking allowed. Brush Park is a vibrant urban residential community that includes neighborhood commercial and retail businesses, such as the existing restaurants and coffee shops as well as many first floor retail establishments that are currently underdevelopment throughout the neighborhood. Paid parking is necessary to support these businesses. Further, the proximity of Brush Park to major attractions (Comerica Park, LCA, Ford Field, Fox Theater) means that paid parking is necessary to prevent employees from and visitors to those establishments from parking for hours in our neighborhood and to ensure that there is sufficient turn over in parking (meaning that LCA goers are not parking for hours at spaces meant to support our restaurants).
Why have we recommended that Watson street between Woodward and John R. be designated as a paid parking zone instead of permit parking? The City has permitted the land use between Edmund and Erskine and Woodward and John R. for commercial uses. The community has indicated that it desires retail to make the neighborhood walkable and the CDC believes that parking is necessary to ensure that these businesses remain viable. It is our understanding that the housing located on Watson has dedicated parking for residents. Residents will still be able to park in the paid parking zone by paying the nominal fees (no more than $2/hour) and overnight parking will still be available for free (the hours of parking enforcement are generally 6am to 10pm). Please note that we are exploring with CPC whether there is a hybrid approach available for this street.
Why have we recommended that John R. and Brush Street be paid parking zones? I don't want paid parking in front of my home where I sometimes park. Our understanding is that the homes located on John R. between Winder and Adelaide have at least two private parking spaces assigned per unit. Paid parking is necessary to support our neighborhood businesses. Zoning permits commercial/retail businesses on John R. and Brush, but not mid block on the west/east street. Several first floor retail establishments are under development on these streets. Residents will still be able to park in the paid parking zone by paying the nominal fees (expected to be no more than $2/hour based on current City standards) and overnight parking will still be available for free (the hours of parking enforcement are generally 6am to 10pm).
I am not in favor of permit parking or paid parking zones because it will negatively affect guest parking availability. The CDC's primary concern - and the primary concern for all permit parking programs - is to prioritize the ability of residents to park at or near their homes. Due to the historic nature of the neighborhood, we have many residents who can only use street parking to park at their home. We do however understand that ability to have guests make a home more enjoyable. The CDC supports the ability for residents to obtain guest parking permits (so that guest can park in permit spaces) and have asked CPC to benchmark other major city programs for guidance. Note that less than 20% of respondents to our survey do not have dedicated parking, meaning that more than 80% of residents have a dedicated parking space provided by their building, condo or apartment. We would expect that residents with dedicated parking allow their guest to use their dedicate parking space and the resident to park their vehicle on the street. In the event that guest have to park in paid parking zones, pricing will be comparable to existing prices, which are nominal (up to $2/hour based on current City standards). Please keep in mind that as the neighborhood and surrounding areas develop, an expectation of free parking in Brush Park is not practical. UPDATE: The ordinance allows for up to 30 24-hour guest passes annually. This will allow guests to park in residential permit parking zones.
I do not register my vehicle in Detroit or I have a loaner, rental or other company car. We understand that there are short term situations where residents may not have a vehicle registered at their home. We have asked City agencies to benchmark how other cities manage these issues. Based on our informal benchmarking, a typical requirement for a residential permit program is to require vehicles to be registered at the residence to provide proof of the necessity for the parking permit. UPDATE: The ordinance was updated to accommodate rental cars for residents.
My property/home is located on a residential block (east to west street) and is not primarily a residential property. We will need more parking than a typical permit policy would allow for gatherings, meetings etc.... The CDC's primary concern is to prioritize the ability for residents to park at or near their homes. We understand that this may be an inconvenience to non-residents, but feel that this is the appropriate balance to strike. Please keep in mind that currently, large gatherings at non-residential properties located mid-block will typically displace residents (i.e. guest parking prevents residents from parking), which is not fair to your neighbors. We are exploring with CPC how these properties/homes can participate in the permit parking program.