List of Development Projects + Project Materials
NOTE: All publicly available information that the CDC receives regarding development projects are promptly included on this website. If you are looking for materials not listed, please contact the developer directly with your inquiry.
84 Edmund Place (Multifamily Residential Development)
Project Materials (February 2022)
287/295/301 Watson - Brush Park Elementa (Multifamily Residential Development)
Project Materials (May 2020)
Project Materials (November 2020)
Updated Project Materials (May 2022)
269 Winder (Multifamily Residential Development)
Project Materials (May 2020)
421 Watson (Historic Building Redevelopment)
Development Presentation (May 2020)
2827 John R (Mixed Use Development)
Project Materials (May 2020)
Note - this is now being developed independent of 112 Edmund and 105 Alfred
Development Drawings (February 2022)
Community Impact Plan - Construction begins March 2022
2959 John R. (Private Residence)
Design Presentation (April 2019)
Supported by the CDC
West Elm Hotel (Hotel Bonstelle)
Design Presentation (March 2019)
Supported by the CDC
This project has been cancelled as of September 2019
Woodward Place - Building #13 (Alfred/Woodward)
Design Presentation (January 2019)
Letter of Support from Brush Park II Condo Association 1.14.19
Supported by the CDC
Brush 8 (New Development of Townhomes @ Brush/Watson)
Design Presentation (November 2018)
262 Mack (New Development)
Project Description + Design (November 2016)
Supported by the CDC
Design Change - Adding Units over Garage (November 2018)
304 Erskine (Historic Home Restoration)
Design Presentation - Blueprints and Renderings (November 2018)
239 Edmund (Henry Glover House Adjacent Lot)
Developers seeking to purchase the lot adjacent to 229 Edmund in order to build a covered parking structure for 229 Edmund (instead of having a surface parking lot)
Design Presentation (September 2018)
Supported by the CDC
NEZ Letter of Support (April 2023)
2458 Brush Street (Visions Restaurant)
Owner seeking support from the community to re-designate this banquet hall facility as a restaurant
Supported by the CDC
229 Edmund (Henry Glover House) Restoration
Design Drawings (March 2018)
Supported by the CDC
RFP for Brush/Erskine Parcel (Brush House)
Brush House Presentation (November 2018)
RFP for Brush/Watson Parcel
Design Presentation (September 2018)
Supported by the CDC
112 Edmund, 2827 John R & 105 Alfred Projects
Design Drawings (November 2017)
Updated Drawings for 105 Alfred (March 2018)
Updated Design Drawings for entire project (May 2018)
City Planning Commission - Background and Community Engagement - 6.7.18
Updated Design Drawings (April 2019)
Updated Design Drawings (November 2020)
SoMA Mixed-Use Parking Deck - at John R. & Erskine
Design Drawings (September 2017)
Updated Design Drawings (March 2019)
Traffic Study (March 2019)
Updated Presentation (April 2019)
Supported by the CDC
City Club Apartments Midtown - at Mack & Woodward
Design Drawings (November 2020)
Updated Design Drawings (January 2021)
42 Watson Neighborhood Bar - on Watson Street
Design Drawings (September 2017)
Brush Park South - on Brush Street between 1-75 and Adelaide
Brush Park Village North Condominiums - John R. & Erskine
Phase II of existing condos
Design Drawings (July 2016)
Supported by the CDC
Fraternal Civic Center - 114 Erskine
Exterior renovation of existing building
Design drawings (October 2015)
Supported by the CDC
City Modern Detroit [Parcels A/B (Bedrock Development)]
Development of 8 acre parcel, including rehabilitation of 4 historic homes
Update to John R./Edmond Carriage Homes (August 2022)
Supported by the CDC
2515 Brush, 281 & 291 Winder - Sypitkowski Proposal
Development of empty parcels located at the addresses noted above.
Initial presentation (June 2015)
This Project has been cancelled
Rainbow Childcare Center Development
New construction of a child care center located a the Southwest corner of Mack & Brush
Updated Renderings to account for midtown loop (July 2015)
Initial Presentation (May 2015)
Supported by CDC
64 Watson Redevelopment
Redevelopment of the existing dilapidated building located at 64 Watson
Initial Presentation (April 2015)
Supported by CDC
Joie De Vivre Boutique Hotel
New construction of a boutique hotel/restaurant located at the Northeast intersection of 1-75 Service Drive and Brush Street.
Initial Presentation (February 2015)
Supported by CDC - Development Project has been Cancelled
Tolan Park
Redevelopment of the existing park located at the Northwest corner of Mack and I-75)
Initial Presentation (Coming Soon)
The Scott at Brush Park (previously Erskine Lofts Development)
New construction of a mixed use facility located at Woodward and Erskine (rental housing and light retail)
May 2015 Presentation - changes to design
Supported by the CDC
112 Edmund Place
Redevelpment of the existing property located at 112 Edmund. This project has been collapsed into the development of 112 Edmund, 2827 John R. and 105 Alfred project noted above.
Updated drawings + Site Plan (September 2015)
Initial presentation (October 2014)
Supported by CDC
2490-2476 Brush
New construction of a restaurant located at the Northeast corner of Brush and I-75. This has been collapsed into the Joie de Vivre Boutique Hotel Project.
Initial presentation (August 2014)
Supported by the CDC
312 Watson
Redevelopment of existing home located at 312 Watson
Initial Presentation (June 2014)
Supported by the CDC
Patterson Terrace
Redevelopment of half-completed project located at 203, 209 and 213 Erskine and 3412 John R.
Supported by CDC
Keleman House Project
New construction of a multi-unit residential home located on Mack
Updated Design Presentation (May 2015)
Supported by CDC
36. Brewster Wheeler Site
New Construction, 4 Phase, Mixed-Use Development
Initial Presentation (June 2023)
Site Plan (June 2023)
Sanctuary Proposal (June 2023)