Brush Park Blog

Brush Park Safety Forum

For those residents who attended the CDC's September public meeting, we had a long discussion around various safety concerns for our neighborhood. It seems that various developments in the Midtown/Downtown area is driving crime up in Brush Park. Some of the safety issues discussed were: 

  1. Home invasions (278 Mack)
  2. Arm car jacking (Tuesday, September 1  @ 8:35pm - John R Apartments. Dark SUV, 3 black males approximate age 24 years. 6ft 180 lbs). 
  3. Auto and auto tire theft ( 104 Edmund auto theft; Lincoln MKT and Chrysler 300. John R / Winder and John R / Edmund - both left on bricks)

We discussed various initiatives taking place to improve safety in the community. 

  1. Developers in the area have private security that monitor their developments and surrounding areas. 
  2. There are discussions around a security coalition in Midtown. Developers such as Bedrock and Olympia are working with DPD and WSU Police on this effort. 
  3. Brush Park CDC is investigating a grant with Midtown Inc to secure off duty cops for the neighborhood. 

While we are working to put solutions in place, we are asking our residents to do the following: 

  1. If you are witnessing a crime PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INTERVENE. Instead, call 911 and monitor from a safe distance so that you can be a good witness

  2. Please be sure to report all criminal activity to DPD. 

  3. Please post all criminal activity to this blog so that your neighbors can be aware of what's happening. 

  4. Our Neighborhood Police Officer is Officer Steve Shank - - 313-974-8687 (If emergency, call 911)


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The suspect in the Home Invasion (Breaking and Entering) of 278 Mack has been arrested by DPD and WSU. Witnesses also positively identified the same suspect as the person that broke into numerous cars at The Edmund (104 Edmund Place). .